I have a neurological mobility condition and would like to apply to participate in the Bridging Bionics Mobility Program.
(Click APPLY to access Client Application Forms)
Please fill out the following completely and accurately.
Date of Birth:
Home phone:
Cell phone:
Email address:
Disability details:
Weight: lbs.
Primary language spoken/understood:
Have there been any seizures in the last two years?
What are the client’s primary means of mobility (i.e., power wheelchair, manual wheelchair, cane, walker, etc.)?
(Necessary for clients under 18 years of age)
Work phone:
(if different from Parent/Guardian)
Location (City/State):
Office phone:
To be completed by the client or parent/guardian – please answer all questions that pertain to the client.
If not, please indicate other diagnosis and cause:
Level of SCI:
Date of injury:
Cause of injury:
Surgery Date:
Surgery Procedure:
If yes, please describe:
What are your primary means of mobility (i.e., power wheelchair, manual wheelchair, cane, walker, etc.)?
What type of assistive device do you use (i.e., crutches, walker, AFO, KAFOs)?
If so, how much assistance is needed?
If so, when and what were the results?
If so, when and what bone did you fracture?
If no, what is limited (i.e., grip, shoulder strength, etc.)
If yes, please describe what and when
If yes, where was/is it?
If yes, what are the side effects and how often do you take them?
List of medications:
How long has it been since you stood upright?
If so, how often and for how long do you use it?
Please describe usual presentation and trigger:
If yes, where and/or when?
OTHER: Please describe any other disability, disease or disorder that we should be aware of:
Client’s Signature: Clear
Client’s Name (Please print):
Parent/Guardian Signature: Clear
Parent/Guardian Name (Please print):